Sunday, July 10, 2011

No News, Still No News

I feel like my weekdays are consumed with checking my cell phone and checking the Korean adoption discussion forum.  Any news at this point would be good.  Our US agency is really good about passing information as it comes, but it has been a slow couple of weeks.  Very slow.  Going insane slow. 

Tuesday makes 8 weeks since Jae's paperwork was submitted to the Korean Ministry.  They say this process can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks, but 4 to 6 weeks is more the average.  I hate to say it, but if Jae's paperwork doesn't leave the Ministry this week...we will not be traveling until August which would make all the rumors true.  It is tough.  I feel like I am wasting my summer away waiting for Jae to come home. 

Because I really don't have anything else to talk about, I thought I would talk about some commonly used words and terms regarding adoption...always good to educate:

Forever Family (one of my personal favorites) - an adoptive family
Gotcha Day - The day Jae comes home with us; albeit this will happen in Seoul.  It is the day Jae's foster mom says goodbye and Paul and I become the full time caretakers.  Jae will get to celebrate 2 days every year...his birthday and his gotcha day.
Finalization - takes place about 5 to 6 months after Jae comes home.  The day a local Steele County judge declares Jae a Herzog forever.
"Placed for adoption" - The preferred phrase over "given up"
Domestic adoption - US citizens adopting US children.  Korean citizens adopting Korean children.
EP - Emigration permission.  Permission to leave the country (what Jae is waiting for)

Jae's Mom

1 comment:

  1. Believe me, you'll never get an explanation either. Been there, done that.
