Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Am I going to be "that" mom?

This morning I had one of the moments where you realize something about yourself...I am going to be an embarrassing Mom.  You know, the one that dances and sings (even though she can't carry a tune) in front of her child and all his or her friends.  Jae is going to hate it and I am going to love it!  I believe I get this quality from my father.  I have a very vivid memory of Senior Night at Ava High School when he was escorting me out onto the volleyball court.  Unlike most parents that just simply escort their daughter out in front of the spectators, my father proceeded to wave to the crowd like he was in a parade.  I was humiliated!  But now, oh, that is funny!  Plus I am pretty sure all my high school girlfriends secretly thought my Dad was a riot...so here's hoping.

PS - This realization came while singing, "These boots were made for walking" while dancing and getting my fall black boots out of the downstairs closet.  Paul shook his head and walked away.

Jae's Mom


  1. You are going to be that mom!! Love it!!!

  2. Your little guy will love you. You will be a wonderful mommy, I remeber the kids that you watched in Springfield were always disappointed when I sat for them b/c they loved you. What an awesome gift you and Paul are about to give Jae.

  3. Just think you have now elevated your Dad into a Grand Dork. Oh how we love him. He will be able to wave at all the kids on Grand parents day at school. (PS the kids did like Ericka too). But you might have to start working on the "No" thing being that you never used it on my kids. We are so happy for you. How much longer?

  4. I can just picture Nory doing this and I'm sure he did it on purpose to embarrass you, don't you think? Well, I never did that, but I would deliberately wear pink socks with purple sandals when I knew the kids hated it. I'm excited for you. I hope you can guess who this is writing, which Cookite I am. I tried commenting yesterday, but it didn't take.

  5. Fitting that this "a ha" moment came during a shoe moment. That's when all your good moments happen. :-) You will be that mom and you will be wonderful at it!!

  6. I was that mom and I am that teacher too. Singing in front of the class. Dancing when there is no music except the stuff in my own head. So much fun. Enjoy.
    Cindy M.

  7. haha hunze i remember that!!....you just gave me my first laugh to myself moment of the day! love ya...billyjo:)
