Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The first few days.

Welcome to my blog!  I wanted a spot to post information about the new love in my life. . .my son, Jae.

Paul and I spent the last 2 weeks in Europe having a wondful time driking wine, eating pasta and seeing all the sights.  But Italy, Spain, France, Croatia don't hold a candle to the news we came home to...we have a son!  Our adoption agency called at 5:15pm on Monday to let us know that Jae was waiting for us!  What I still can't believe is what we were doing when the call came - shoe shopping!  For those of you that know me best, this is the ultimate sign that Jae is meant to be a Herzog.   

Jae was born in March to a couple in South Korea.  Wanting to do what is best for Jae, they placed him for adoption.  And through an adoption agency here in Minnesota, Jae was matched with the Herzog family this week!  Lucky us!  Jae is a perfectly happy and healthy baby boy.  And from what we understand, his wonderful foster Mom is doing a great job keeping him healthy. 

Our next step is getting the right immigration and visa applications.

Love - Jae's mom


  1. Yay! We are so excited for you! I'm so glad that you started a blog so that we can stay updated!

    Miss ya!

  2. Connie - The Stirling FamilySeptember 16, 2010 at 10:34 PM

    God Bless the Herzog Family. A special thanks to Angela on the "Blog". We love to be up dated. We hope your family will be together soon. Love to all. The Stirling Family

  3. Congratulations!! This was definitely meant to be! Since we got our girls last month, we've been praying that it goes just as quickly for you guys. Get ready to have your world rocked! I don't think any amount of preparation got us ready to go from a child-less home, to Eszie running through the house screaming and singing at the top of her lungs and Emma wanting to read everything she gets her hands on. Congratulations again and my kids are already thinking about what to send Jae, since you guys had presents waiting here for them when they got home :) All our love! The Munoz family
