Monday, January 2, 2012

Already Good Memories

A good friend, and fellow adoptive parent, told me multiple times though our adoption process that we were bringing back a lot of good memories for him.  At the time I didn't understand, but only 4 short months after getting Jae home, I am starting to get it.  This morning Paul helped Jae get dressed and he happened to grab the yellow shirt that Jae was wearing on Gotcha Day.  Yes, that was a rough day, but also a wonderful one.  Good memory.  It is the day we became parents.  The real deal.  Very good memory.  Yeah, it took WAY too long to get Jae home; September 2010 to September 2011 was the longest (and most depressing if I am being honest) year of my life.  But now all the paperwork, waiting, and updates are good memories as they got us to Jae.  All good memories.  And it is almost comical to think about the evenings we sat around wishing Jae was home...only because we never get to "just sit" anymore.  We are always chasing after Jae and/or his puppy. 

If anyone that reads this blog is adopting, or thinking about adopting, it is all worth it in the end.  All 2,342,352,765 pages of paperwork (including 3 background checks), all 365 days of waiting, all 837,293,294 tears (both happy and sad), all $3,000+ of airline tickets, and all the endless adoption fees...because it got us one sweet, charming, busy, happy, naughty, loving, silly little boy.  Who as you can see in the picture below, loves that Grandma Hunze sends him home with dessert.

Jae's Mom


  1. The Jae which you long for, and you want to see.

    Families all which are living to Korea do not forget you, and you love. Jae parents, How are you. As you see the happy family that love is full, you are glad. Jae happiness is our happiness. Korean family everybody sees every day Jae Blogger. Jae mother love and sincerity are wonderful.The space is large, and the Korean families mind that has watched Jae is deep.The mind that Jae loves is everlasting..
    For you are pretty, and growing up to healthy boys..
    Korean commission mom MyeongSuk.

  2. I love that Grandma Hunze just sent home enough for only him. That looks like a Jae or Rachel size bowl for dessert, or seconds on dessert.

    love to all

  3. You are so right on everything you say! It is hard in the moment but now you realize it is all so so worth it. We need to get together again and let those boys develop their friendship more:) I will send you can email so we can set something up. Brianne
