Thursday, February 19, 2015

Preliminary Approval

At home with a cold today so the perfect time to give an update since coming home from Korea.

First of all, as promised, Judge J gave us Preliminary Approval  (PA) on Monday. We have yet to receive this confirmation from our agency but rather found out via the Korean Family Court website.  It took some work to find our approval as the website is entirely in Korean, but we think we are interpreting it correctly.  Now it is just a matter of time before Final Approval will be granted and we head back to Korea to take Violet forever in our arms. Hopefully the first or 2nd week in March.  The Lunar New Year will set us back a day or two as all offices are closed in Korea today and tomorrow to celebrate.

Otherwise the word of the week in the Herzog house is: jet lag. But instead of waking up super early, we are struggling to go to sleep and stay asleep.  Sunday night all three of us were so wide awake at midnight that Jae watched Elf while Paul and I caught up on some work.  I finally feel asleep at 2 am Monday morning while they boys suffered until 3am. Although Paul and I had to drag ourselves to work, we had previously arranged for my mother to come over and spend they day with Jae giving him a chance to sleep in and have a bit of a lazy day.  Monday and Tuesday nights were slightly better and then finally last night we slept through the night.  Granted, Jae fell asleep at 7 pm on the way home from Ash Wednesday service and Paul and I were a little over an hour later.  Right about the time Paul and I get back to CST, we will get the Final Approval call.  Here's hoping.

Jae and Violet's Mom

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